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5 Ways to Get Rid of Cough at Home

Coughing can be uncomfortable or sometimes can be unbearable!

No matter dry or wet, you may find it irritating. Sometimes it can be due to an infection, weather change, or some people are generally prone to throat allergies and infections. I was the second one. Throughout my life, I have suffered from throat infections. Winters especially were unbearable for me as the severity of the cough was way too much.

Suffered from this for years and then I went to the best chest specialist in Lahore who then diagnosed and treated me for the respiratory allergy. Every year, I still get my vaccination shots and know how to overcome coughing. Other than prevention, I also used certain home remedies that helped me to get rid of the problem. In my case, I found these home-based cures fairly helpful. 

If you also suffer from frequent episodes of coughing, then here I am going to reveal some of the best remedies to get rid of the cough. You can follow these tips especially when there are weather changes. Let’s talk about these remedies now!

How to Get Rid of Cough?

Whether you have been coughing all day long or you have a bad case of bronchitis, there are ways to get rid of the cough. I have compiled some of the best ways to stop a cough.

1- Try ginger tea

Ginger tea is a popular winter drink. Taking ginger tea to get rid of a cough is an easy way to soothe your sore throat. Ginger is an herb that offers several health benefits as proven by many scientific studies. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective against sore throat and cough. It is also a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for immune system health.

The best part about ginger tea is that it is easy to make, and has no side effects. You can even add a few drops of lemon juice and honey to it to make it more flavourful and helpful for your throat. Further, the goodness of honey and lemon makes it even more effective in relieving cough.

2- Salt water gargles

Using salt water gargles to get rid of coughs can provide relief from aches and pains, as well as soothe and cleanse the throat. These gargles are safe to use, inexpensive, and effective. Gargling with salt water can also help prevent gingivitis and periodontitis, which can lead to gum damage. The flushing action of saltwater removes harmful bacteria from the throat that can result in infection. This also helps break up thick mucus that irritates the throat.

Gargling with salt water is also effective at clearing the mouth of food debris and preventing tonsil stones. The salt helps neutralize acids that bacteria use to multiply in the mouth. Salt water gargles can also reduce inflammation and pain in the throat, which is a common symptom of colds and flu.

3- Chicken soup

Getting rid of a cough with chicken soup has been around for centuries. The Ancient Greeks recommended it for respiratory tract infection symptoms. Chicken broth made with salt and black pepper is an effective solution against recurrent throat infections as well as helps you to fight severe cough attacks. It also provides enough energy to fight infection. The study also found that chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory effect because it contains cysteine, an amino acid that loosens secretions. Further, it’s also packed with protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids.

4- Cleaning away mold, dust, and pollen

Allergies are the leading cause of recurrent coughs and respiratory infections.

Taking the time to clean away mold, dust, and pollen from your home can help you breathe easier. Pollen is one of the most common allergens in the world and may cause you to experience some allergy symptoms including cough. 

Just like pollen, mold is also a common allergen that can cause asthma and hay fever. Depending on your sensitivity, you may experience symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, stomach pain, or diarrhea. So, make sure to keep your home safe from these allergens if you are suffering from cough due to allergies.

5- Try Over-the-counter medications

Some of the more common OTC cough medicines include antihistamines, expectorants, and decongestants. Using over-the-counter medications to get rid of a cough can be helpful. However, it’s important to know what types of medications to use and how to use them. Using cough medicine in the wrong way can cause serious harm to your health.

They are available in several forms, including tablets, pills, nasal sprays, and eye drops. However, make sure to use these medicines on your doctor’s recommendation because antihistamines can have side effects, especially in older adults.

Bottom Line!

Coughing is a common problem, However, using these remedies can help you to get rid of it and minimize your chances of suffering from a cough. But make sure to use these remedies in moderation and if none of these work for you, talk to your doctor immediately to rule out the possibility of any severe underlying cause.


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